11outof11 - A Blog For Business Owners Looking To Grow


Solve Confidentiality Issues and Create Case Studies That Convert

Using case studies as a tactic in your company marketing plan is a great way to show how you help people in the real world. Demonstrating your expertise in a case study can provide social proof of a job well done, strengthen customer relationships, and close sales.

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5 Results-Driven Ways to Overcome Marketing Failure

Over the past few years,82% of marketershave been actively investing in content marketing. That’s a lot of marketers working hard to place their contenton top of the tiny 9% that makes it through to organic search results pages. To overcome any marketing failure, they need results-driven ways to make it happen.

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Framework to Follow to Create Your First Content Plan

It’s all about the best content calendars, tools, and resources for your business. That’s what you need to create your content plan, especially if you’re part of the42% of companies embarking on the early stages of content marketing planning and creation.

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Overcoming 7 Common Misconceptions About Marketing

For 71% of marketers, content marketing has become more important to their organizations in just the last year. But only about 29% say their organizations are getting very successful outcomes with their current content marketing efforts.

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Is Email Still Relevant in 2023?

If you’re wondering whether email is still an effective strategy for marketers in 2023 and beyond, we’ll give you the email marketing statistics that show you it is.

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Define Your Company Personality Using a Voice and Tone Guide

How your company communicates as a brand is one of the most influential ways you will connect with your ideal customers.

Your company personality is defined by two related elements: brand voice and brand tone. The way to stand out in a crowd is to create thoughtful guidelines around your brand voice and tone and to use them consistently in company communication.

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The Best Resources for Content Planning

If you want to succeed with anything in life, you’ve got to have a plan. Most people will agree.

The same holds true for content marketing. If you want your content marketing strategy to achieve desired outcomes and be effective for your business, you have to plan it that way.

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6 Components of an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Want to create better content for your company?

Start by building a comprehensive strategy.

Experts say 35% of marketers who use a documented content strategy enjoy better outcomes from their content marketing than those who do not. And 40% of businesses don’t use one.

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8 Considerations for Planning Email Marketing That Works

How do you write and run an email campaign that works?

Start by building an email campaign strategy based on what makes your marketing successful. Simply stated, this means sending emails that are personalized and customized for your specific target audience.

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How Aligning Marketing With Values Drives Greater Value For Customers

No matter what business you’re in, your company is facing a dynamic economy right now. One that compels you to make a decision about your marketing:

Should you go with a standard transactional strategy or focus more on a relational one?

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