You Have Questions,
We Have Answers

  • How did you come up with the name 11outof11?

    Most marketers set the bar at a perfect 10. But marketing is tricky and often times they fall short. As a result, you – the client – leave the relationship bummed and disappointed. We aim higher and achieve higher because of decades of experience learning the ropes of agency life and riding the thrill of rapid-growth startups.

  • How does the process start?

    Schedule a call with one of our specialists and we’ll discuss your marketing needs and goals. We’ll collaboratively build the right marketing recommendations for your business.

  • Will you help me set my goals?

    Many of our clients are running on EOS® or similar business operating systems. Therefore, many of them come to us with goals already outlined. That said, often it's not clear what marketing metrics a business should be measuring to roll up to a larger goal. We're very experienced at identifying the leading indicator marketing metrics that should be monitored and what the target(s) should be for each.

  • Does my engagement include a strategy or plan?

    During our initial call, we’ll begin preliminary work on a content marketing plan. We call this your editorial content calendar. This strategy lays out the plan for creating each quarter's content.

  • How will I know what’s happening on my account?

    Every project is proactively managed by our team using Asana. During our update calls, we will provide proactive updates on exactly where everything is and when it will be launched live.

  • How frequently will we talk?

    This is determined on a client-by-client basis and will reflect how complex your content and HubSpot needs are, as well as how large the service is that we're providing to your company. At a minimum we’ll speak once a month via Zoom.

  • How much of my time do you need?

    You will only need to spend time reviewing and approving our work. Because we like to be on the same page at all times, we’ll send you items to review and approve periodically as we work together.

  • How long is the contract?

    Contracts vary from six months in length to a few years. The contract length will be determined based on the time needed to complete the projects and ensure your marketing is a success.

  • Can I count on results?

    We wouldn’t do marketing for a living if we didn’t believe it has to deliver results. During our initial discussion, we’ll articulate the results you should expect from the marketing we recommend.

  • How are results measured?

    That all depends on the marketing that’s performed for your company. If we execute an email campaign, we’ll measure opens and clicks. If we manage a Facebook ad campaign, we’ll measure conversions on the ad, for example. We like to build HubSpot reports and a dashboard that everyone can view in real time to see the results.

  • Do you have experience in my industry?

    Yes, we’ve worked in just about every business-to-business industry out there. Healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, software, professional services, technology – you name it and we’ve done it.

  • Who writes the copy? Me or you?

    We have expert copywriters who’ve written for a large array of businesses. Unless you prefer to write the copy yourself, we’ll assign a writer to your projects and take care of all the writing for you.

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With Our Marketing Specialists