11outof11 - A Blog For Business Owners Looking To Grow


Framework to Follow to Create Your First Content Plan

It’s all about the best content calendars, tools, and resources for your business. That’s what you need to create your content plan, especially if you’re part of the42% of companies embarking on the early stages of content marketing planning and creation.

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Website Optimization Factors to Help You Gain More Leads in 2023

Is your website fully optimized to reach today’s digital audience? The digital world moves fast, so a stale site quickly becomes too out-of-date to capture valuable leads.

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How To Design an Email Campaign That Attracts Your Prospects

The look and feel of your company’s emails are powerful persuaders that help make your marketing attractive to your prospects – just about as much as the content and cadence do.

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Use Marketing In Economic Uncertainty To Support Your Business

The economic uncertainty of 2022 is something the United States hasn’t seen in 40 years. So it’s made a lot of business owners uncertain as well.

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Overcoming 7 Common Misconceptions About Marketing

For 71% of marketers, content marketing has become more important to their organizations in just the last year. But only about 29% say their organizations are getting very successful outcomes with their current content marketing efforts.

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How To Get Traction From Your Marketing Initiatives

To gain traction. It’s a popular buzzphrase for marketers and business owners these days.

But what does it really mean? And how do you build marketing traction if you’re not seeing the results you thought you would from your marketing?

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Is Email Still Relevant in 2023?

If you’re wondering whether email is still an effective strategy for marketers in 2023 and beyond, we’ll give you the email marketing statistics that show you it is.

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How to Grow Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn to Boost Business

If you’re a member of LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed how C-level executives are using the platform to grow social media interactions for their businesses.

How are they doing it? The key is to develop and nurture a personal brand that features your professional credentials and unique reputation, and use it as a persuasive marketing tool that highlights your company, organization, or business.

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Define Your Company Personality Using a Voice and Tone Guide

How your company communicates as a brand is one of the most influential ways you will connect with your ideal customers.

Your company personality is defined by two related elements: brand voice and brand tone. The way to stand out in a crowd is to create thoughtful guidelines around your brand voice and tone and to use them consistently in company communication.

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The Best Resources for Content Planning

If you want to succeed with anything in life, you’ve got to have a plan. Most people will agree.

The same holds true for content marketing. If you want your content marketing strategy to achieve desired outcomes and be effective for your business, you have to plan it that way.

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