11outof11 - A Blog For Business Owners Looking To Grow


How to Create a Landing Page to Optimize Conversions

Did you know it’s a bad idea to assume all traffic will navigate on their own from your homepage to the exact page of the website that talks about their needs? It’s much more effective to send searchers to an optimized landing page designed to specifically address their needs and convert. 

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Is Your Website Design 100% Audience-Focused?

When your website is failing to connect with your audience, there are some big red flags. Few site clicks. No social sharing. Poor sales. Customer complaints.

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Why Your Website Should Be Redesigned Every Year

When your website always stays the same, it’s beyond boring - it can actually come off as a bit careless and unfriendly. It makes your audience think, “Why don’t they care enough to update this?”

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5 Predictions for Digital Marketing in 2019

With the new year right around the corner, it’s a great time to take stock of your company’s digital marketing strategies. Take a look below to see some predictions for the shape digital marketing will take next year. If you’ve fallen behind this past year, 2019 presents a great opportunity to make sure you are operating competitively and strategically. 

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7 Rules to Drive More Inbound Leads for Online Marketing

Inbound marketing is a great way to attract new clients to your site and engage with them. However, you have to make sure you’re utilizing the best methods to maximize your success rate. Take a look at the rules below to take your inbound marketing strategy to the next level.    

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5 Tips for Successful Content Marketing

If you run a business, creating content is way for you to interact with current and potential customers, develop brand loyalty, and ultimately allow your business to grow. However, just producing the content isn’t enough—you need to know how to market it strategically. Take a look at the tips below to make the best of your content marketing.

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Why Inbound Marketing Is Critical (Even When Your Business Is Booming)

When business is going well, companies may pull their foot off the gas when it comes to marketing, especially inbound marketing.

It makes clear sense to market when business is sluggish or down. There's an obvious cause and effect there. Business is slow? Let's do marketing to pick up a few more customers and make up for lost revenue.

But what if business is booming? How can inbound marketing help?

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10 Reasons Why Pillar Pages Help Your Website SEO (With Examples)

As users input longer, more specific terms to search for content, Google has adjusted its algorithm to help them find what they’re looking for.

If you’re wondering how to keep up with these changing dynamics, consider incorporating pillar pages into your website. Pillar pages provide a comprehensive overview of a broad topic, always keeping keyword strategy in mind. In turn, hyperlinks on pillar pages guide users to more specialized information (aka cluster content) that all connects back to the broad concept on the original page.

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Why You Should Outsource Your Next Marketing Project

Doing marketing seems fun and something you should be spending time on. But the key to success in marketing is continuous improvement and consistency.

Let’s face it, that’s difficult when you’re also busy trying to run your company.

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