11outof11 - A Blog For Business Owners Looking To Grow


How E-Newsletters Fit Into Your Email Marketing Strategy (Plus Topics for Email Newsletters)

Thinking about producing an email newsletter for your company? It’s a popular solution for organizations that want to stay in touch with their existing customers and keep them up-to-date on the latest news about their products and services. Recent research from the Content Marketing Institute ranks e-newsletters as the second best type of content for 87% of B2B and 76% of B2C marketers.

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Should We Buy An Email List?

When clients start asking whether they should buy an email list, we’ll often start a conversation about cold outreach email marketing.

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How Often Should You Send Marketing Emails?

Using an email campaign to market your company is an effective strategy for converting leads into customers. By appealing to your prospects’ interests through helpful content that’s delivered directly to their mailboxes, you can start meaningful conversations with them that can persuade them to buy.

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6 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Email Marketing

By 2023, the number of people who actively use email is expected to reach 4.3 billion – that’s half of the world’s population! But wait, there’s more:

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How to Get Prospects to Reply to Sales-Related Emails

Lots of business development folks send sales emails to try to nurture prospects and increase sales.

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How to Get More Clicks on your Emails

Tap. Tap. Tap. That’s the sound of people opening your emails and giving your messages a look. Now’s your chance to woo them!

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How to Write the Best Subject Lines for Your Emails

About 35% of email users decide which emails to open based on the subject line alone. This means your subject lines could be some of the most important content you ever write! 

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The Best Time to Send an Email, Email Performance Statistics and More

What’s the best time to send an email? Are my emails getting enough clicks? If you’re asking these questions, bravo! It means you’re a smart email marketer.

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Creating the Right Email for the Right Audience

Would you rather have 1% appeal to 99% of the world, or 99% appeal to 1% of the world? (Psst: Choose the second option because 1% of the world is 78 million people! Your business would thrive with 99% of their attention).

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Using Email Automation to Improve Your Sales Cycle

Drip. Drip. Drip. That’s the sound of your email campaign making contact after contact with your target audience. 

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