11outof11 Blog – Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

Is Email Still Relevant in 2023?

Written by Angela Pointon | Nov 16, 2022 12:56:02 PM

If you’re wondering whether email is still an effective strategy for marketers in 2023 and beyond, we’ll give you the email marketing statistics that show you it is.

  • The number of global email users grows every year. According to The HubSpot Blog's 2023 Marketing Strategy & Trends Report, at least 91% of the four billion current daily email users check their email every day. That’s a huge, ever-growing audience.
  • Email is still the most direct way to reach your customers. Why? Because 94% of Americans as young as 12 years old who are active online say they use email regularly.
  • 89% of marketers say they use email as their primary lead generation strategy – and are achieving positive results.
  • The prediction of this year’s annual What Will And Won’t Happen For Email Marketing article from the Forbes Communications Council is that the effectiveness of marketing through email will see no signs of slowing down, for years to come. The author notes, “Successful marketers put their efforts and budgets toward what works, and email continues to justify its place as an ROI champion.”
  • On average, email marketing generates an ROI of 42 to one, which makes it a cost-effective digital channel for you to connect with your desired target audiences.
  • According to the Litmus 2021 State of Email report, email marketing is projected to be the most relevant marketing channel for the next 10 years.

8 Tips For Staying Relevant Through Email

Almost 80% of marketers say the industry has changed more in the past three years than it has in the last 50. That’s a lot of updates to keep track of!

When it comes to email marketing, though, you can still:

  • Have complete ownership of your contact lists.
  • Reach the right people at the right time.
  • Provide more value to your audience.
  • Turn each one-time customer into a loyal fan.

Keep these email marketing statistics as well as these suggestions in mind when planning how to evolve your email marketing to make it work for you in 2023 and in years to come.

  1. Keep personalization a top priority.

You want your emails to rise above all the others your subscribers receive every day. Personalization will not only help you do this, but you’ll also satisfy their expectations for a customized experience. A personalized email can improve click rates by 14%. But it’s more than greeting subscribers by name, it’s a way to add value and make them more likely to buy from you.

When you appeal to someone’s unique needs and interests and guide them forward to the next step in the buyer’s journey, you can improve conversions by at least 10%. Personalized details such as sending emails during a recipient’s time zone, identifying topics that resonate with specific audiences, and linking to personalized landing pages with tailored content will go a long way to perfect your subscriber experience.

  1. Make your email marketing mobile responsive.

Over 61.9% of emails are opened on mobile devices. More and more people access emails, conduct searches, look for directions, visit websites, and shop like mad from their mobile devices. So your email content must be optimized for mobile display on all devices.

  1. Realize the way you measure results is changing.

Recent updates to digital devices, like the release of Apple’s iOS 14, are affecting how you measure email campaign results. Open rates might be less of a priority and may take a back seat, compared to the metrics that impact why you invest in email. For instance, measuring conversions might help you demonstrate the impact of email marketing on leads or across the sales funnel.

  1. Make your emails interactive.

Adding interactive elements to your emails like animated call-to-action buttons, product carousels, surveys, quizzes, polls, and more entertain your subscribers and also help inspire action.

  1. Leverage data across marketing channels.

Use data from all your marketing channels to personalize email campaigns based on customer interactions with your business as a whole. Optimize your email sign-up forms to gather the data you’ll need to better personalize your emails.

  1. Say yes to automation.

In 2021, 96% of marketers implemented a marketing automation platform for email marketing among other reasons. Automated emails are linked to subscriber actions like making purchases, reaching a reward milestone, and more. Not only can you send the right kind of personalized email campaigns to the right audience to engage leads, but you’ll give yourself more time to focus on other things in your business.

  1. Try adding videos to your emails.

Including videos in your emails has the potential to super-boost personalization in 2023. It’s well known that people would rather engage with video content than almost any other type. Your customers are nearly 10 times more likely to interact with a video than a block of text.

Personalize videos based on different types of subscribers, such as new or repeat customers and their individual needs. Half of all consumers use videos to help them make shopping decisions.

  1. Provide accessibility.

In the U.S., one in five people live with a disability. ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliance ensures everyone has the same good experience when interacting with your business. In 2023, email campaigns should comply with ADA standards. Keeping email content short, using alt text for all images, and making sure HTML tables are accessible to screen readers will help.

11outof11 Knows Email Marketing

If you’re wondering whether you are utilizing the right amount of email marketing for staying relevant through email, connect with 11outof11. Request a complimentary call with an 11outof11 expert. Contact us to learn more.