11outof11 Blog – Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

15 Ways to Improve Your Website Conversions (and Leads!)

Written by Angela Pointon | May 27, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Looking for surprisingly no-nonsense tactics to improve your website’s conversion rate?

Good thinking!

Conversion rate optimization can increase your sales leads and prospects without having to increase your spend on ads and content marketing, which is why it’s become so popular in 2021.

Clients are always asking what their website conversion rate should be (an average percentage across all industries is 2.35%). By using proven lead generation boosters (like the ones shared here) to increase conversions, or the percentage of people who land on your website and take the action you want them to take (fill out a form, download an ebook, make a purchase), you can get your website into the top 25 percentile that converts at 5.31% or higher.

These 15 ways to improve your website’s conversions can also increase its trust factor and authority.

1. Begin with the End in Mind

When it comes to lead generation, it’s smart to first define what a “lead” means to your company. This will help you determine exactly what actions you want visitors to take as they progress through each stage of your sales funnel. From this starting point, you can also clarify your goals for analysis and adjust your conversion goals accordingly.

2. Customize Your Website Design

Rather than choose a one-size-fits-all website template and running with it, personalize the template or invest in custom design so you can tailor your site for generating leads. People like to visit a well-designed site that increases their trust and confidence in your company or brand.

3. Give Your Content Breathing Room

Too-full web pages can be a distraction for visitors and contribute to lower conversion rates. Allow your web pages to use whitespace around content, photos, and call-to-action buttons so that they stand out.

4. Put a Form on Every Page

The easiest way to increase leads is to provide a lead generation form where it counts on every page. Forms help people easily decide to share their personal details with you.

Posting lead generation forms above the fold increases the likelihood that people will notice them and fill them out.

5. Include a Phone Number

Providing alternate ways to contact your company, such as by phone, builds trust in your visitors and lends credibility to your offer. Even if it’s never used, it’s still another option for increasing conversions.

6. Always Add New Website Content Each Week

Keeping content fresh goes a long way to convince a visitor that there are actually people who care for and tend your site. Plus, if they didn't convert on a call-to-action lately, maybe the new content will bring them back for another chance to convert.

7. Produce Video with Your Customer in Mind

It’s no surprise that the use of video on a website can greatly increase your website’s conversion rate. Why? Because videos help your visitors feel more informed about your brand, products, and services and more confident in their purchases. People who view a video online are much more likely to convert over users who view an ad. 

8. Use Power Words and Action Verbs

When describing your offer, using an active voice puts people front and center as the ones experiencing its benefits. Create an active voice with power words, descriptive words, and phrases that trigger an emotional response like making people feel scared, encouraged, aroused, angry, greedy, safe, or curious. Using action verbs helps to persuade and compel people to take action.

9. Create Magnet CTAs

Another tool that encourages people to click is the call-to-action (CTA), a powerful directive that inspires an immediate response or sale. To capture your visitors’ attention, A/B test elements such as button placement, color, copy, and also linked text are key to find out what affects your conversion rate and works best for your site. Many use a CTA button paired with linked text.

10. Create Credibility with Photo and Video Testimonials

Adding photos and rich media such as video or audio can take the influence of a testimonial to the next level, lending support to your offer and improving conversions.

11. Add Trust Badges and Seals

A trust badge or seal is a symbol placed on your website that ensures your visitors that a page is legitimate and that all their data is collected through secure third-party service providers. Giving your visitors this peace of mind can not only improve your conversations, but it can also help with your SEO (search engine optimization), which can establish your expertise in your industry. A few trust badges you need to have are:

  • Payment assurances, such as multiple payment methods, trust seals, certifications, SSL

  • Social profiles icons with links, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

  • Contact information, such as a contact page with email address, phone number, location

  • Live chat

12. Incorporate Chatbots

Offering a chatbot feature on your website gives your customers easy access to you so that they can get their questions answered instantly, which builds more trust and can increase conversions. Research shows chatbots can:

  • Answer 80% of normal questions

  • Speed up response times work 24/7 without a break

  • Save up to 30% in customer support costs

13. Test, Test, Test Your Website Features

Testing is the better way to know exactly what works for your unique needs and attracts the customers you’re looking for. Split test design changes on a lead generation page before applying them sitewide to get an idea of the number and quality of leads.

14. Improve Your Email Marketing

Your email list is one of the best sources for nurturing website leads and improving conversions further. Consider using personalized abandoned cart email campaigns that include dynamic content. Statistics show that sending three abandoned cart emails increases conversions by 69%.

15. Consider Retargeting Past Visitors

Give past visitors a free offer that will get them to fill out your form and convert. After they do, continue to nurture them.

11outof11 for Website Conversion

If you want to optimize your website’s conversion rate, connect with 11outof11. Request a complimentary call with an 11outof11 expert. Contact us to learn more!